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Login to your account

If you have an account with us, pease login with your details below.

Sign up for your FREE account

We use Stripe to get you paid quickly and keep your personal and payment information secure. Thousands of companies around the world trust Stripe to process payments for their users. Set up your Stripe account on the next page to get paid with Football Scratch Cards Online.

Please note for security & fraud purposes all applications require photo identification before they are activated. You can do this via your account settings once logged in.

Club report

Total teams:
Total games:
Total raised:

The total raised amount does not include games that are currently open.

Your Top 5 teams

Your top performing fundraising teams.

1. LFC XI Brown Cow1£228.75
2. Referees2£128.75
3. The Junior Club Tackleway1£19.95
4. Pinks u12s3£1.50
5. Test Team1£0.61

Your new teams

These teams haven't created any games yet.

1. City of Stoke U13s0
2. Randlay colts0
3. Timperley FC Celtic U13s0
4. U13 yellow0
5. Maryfield United 20160
6. Maryfield United 2016 Ambers0
7. Abbeymead Rovers FC Mens Section0
8. ryburn girls 9+100
9. U7 Tigers0
10. J&R first team0
11. Phoenix hawks0
12. Axminster Women0
13. Lisburn Youth0
14. Rothwell Juniors U11 Girls0
15. North Shields Reds u130
16. Rossglass County0
17. DBC Club For young people0
18. The Clatford arms0
19. Coventry Miners Arms FC0
20. Stay Strong United0
21. EC Whites 20100
22. U10s0
23. Albert Village Vipers0
24. Lincoln United U18 Reds0
25. Billingham Synthonia U8s0
26. AFC totton u10's yellows0
27. East Goscote Utd U14 Vixens0
28. Dronfield Town U13G0
29. Denaby United Reds0
30. Stanground Purples0
31. Two Pennies FC0
32. Rugby Borough Tigers U100
33. Falkirk Soccer Academy 2014’s0
34. SCJ Quinn0
35. Redwood Colts FC0
36. Dawley Wanderers U80
37. Bontnewydd0
38. Inter city Juniors0
39. Maghull green u110
40. BPA U10 Whites0
41. Longford Park0
42. Bonymaen Colts0
43. Clydebank 2018s0
44. Millom junior football club0
45. Armadale Thistle Ladies0
46. Chemfica Football Club0
47. Parkdale Wanderers under 8s0
48. Burnley Belvedere u9s0
49. Tendring District FC0
50. Tendring District FC0
52. Arbour Arrows Ladies FC0
53. Ctdc west0
54. Hucknall Town Warriors Yellow U70
55. Oxford City u14 girls0
56. Foundation of Light u14s0
57. The Rocks0
58. Broughton United u14s Saints0
59. Wigston willow foxes0
60. Groves Rangers U8’s0
61. Sharks u8s0
62. ATFC Yellow U12s0
63. Broughty united yfc panthers 2009s0
64. New milton town robins0
65. Meon Milton0
66. Cahirs Warriors0
67. NIPA0
68. Loanhead 20120
69. Largs Colts 20110
70. test team 10
71. Kidderminster Lions U9s0
72. Easington Sports Reds0
73. Denny Bowling Club0
74. Wythenshawe Town0
75. Wyrley U16 Lionesses0
76. Black Lion fc0
77. Two Pennies FC0
78. Thurcroft Hubstars JFC0
79. Darlington FC U23’s0
80. Billingham Jnrs Lions U8s0
81. Lanarkshire FC0
82. Girls Teams0
83. Ability U11’s0
84. Tamar View FC0
85. test 30
86. Oxhey Jets U150
87. East oxford fc0
88. Gorleston Ranger Lionesses0
89. Halton AllStars Morris Dancers 💙💚0
90. Lowlands Lions0
91. Winthorpe & Coddington Tigers Amber0
92. U10 Orange0
93. U10 24-450
94. Devizes Town Youth FC Raptors0
95. Halifax Friendly FC Ladies0
96. Winsford Town Royals U11’s0
97. Winsford Town Royals U11’s0
98. AK Kestrels u11's0
99. Gary SBGC0
100. AFC Cleveleys0
101. Blyth Spartans u10 Whites0
102. Westerhope U11 Blacks0
103. Baildon Trinity Athletic0
104. Lauderdale U16 Girls0
105. Blacks U13s0
106. Walker Green U12s0

Thanks for getting in touch

We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Postal entry

No purchase required. You can play this game via our postal entry.

PO Box 3421
W1 5WT

Any entries received after the game has been drawn will not be included. Please read are postal entry terms & conditions for more information.

How much could we generate for your club?

Use our calculator to get an estimate of how much potential revenue we can generate for your club.

Login to your account

If you have an account, please login with your details below.


Quick actions

Your game has been created!

You can now share this game with your teams’ network i.e parents/coaches and ask them to play this game. Encourage your players to share the game with their family & friends too!

Contact us

If you have any questions about anything, please drop our support team a message below & they will get back to you asap.

Which year was the team formed?

To comply with the UK Gambling Act 2005 we need to set a ‘skill’ question that you must answer before you can participate in this game. 

Think about how to find the answer! Is the answer on the team website, Facebook page or group chat? Is there anyone from the team (coach or parent) that knows the answer?

Help & Support

If you require help using this app, please see the information below. Alternatively feel free to drop out support team a message below & they will get back to you as soon as possible.

To get started with your account please make sure both your bank account & identity have been verified on your settings page.

Once your account has been verified head over to your teams page to create your first team.

After you have created a team, you can then create a scratch card game for the team & begin fundraising by sharing the game with your team’s’ network of supporters (parents, coaches, family, friends).

You can create as many teams for your club as you like & then create as many games for these teams, so your football scratch card fundraising options are really unlimited :o)

For security & fraud purposes your account requires verification.

Your bank account should have already been setup via our payment partner Stripe, this is required so we can payout the generated funds to you.

We additionally require an identification check to ensure we are safeguarded against any fraudulent activity. You can confirm your identity be submitting a valid UK driving license or passport via your settings page.

Once the identity verification check has been submitted we will then have this confirmed with your club to verify your identity.

Each fundraising campaign begins with a team and you can manage your teams from this page. To begin with simply create a new team & once this is done you can create your scratch card games for this team & other teams you create.

To manage your games, you first need to select a team, which you can do by clicking on this page.

From the following page you can create & manage your scratch card games for your selected team.

Once a scratch card game has ended (which happens when all teams have been purchased), the winner is drawn automatically & the funds are automatically paid out to the club & the winner.

Payouts are automatically sent to your bank account & should arrive in your bank account shortly afterwards.

If you still require help, you can reach out to us by submitting your enquiry on the form below.

Get in touch

Your Team Name

This is the name of your grassroots football team you are signing up for i.e ‘Newcastle Blues U15s‘. Once your account has been setup you can add more teams that you may also manage/coach.

What year was your team established?

To comply with UK gambling laws we need to set a ‘skill’ question that players must answer before they can participate in a game. 

Before a person can pay for their scratch card teams, they will be asked ‘What year was the team established?‘ Please ensure everyone is ready to answer this question correctly so that they can complete their purchase.

Coaches can help people with the answer by using whatever methods you use to communicate with your team i.e WhatsApp or Messenger for example.

Create a game explained

This page allows you to create a new game. To create a game you need to complete the following details:

1. Number of teams – This is the number of teams that will appear on your game. The more teams you have the greater the revenue you will generate. Please be aware that larger games will take longer to complete. To begin with maybe start with a smaller number of teams (20-40 teams)

2. Cost Per Team – This is how much each team will cost to purchase. Please be realistic with this value & consider if your audience can afford this. An average cost is between £2.00 – £5.00 per team.

3. Player Winnings Percentage – This option sets the winnings percentage for the winner. The player will win this amount & your team will receive the remaining amount (minus our transaction fees). The amounts will be shown in the ‘Your Card Summary‘ section once the game has been generated.

Close this game

You should only close a game if you are struggling to complete the game due to a lack of activity from your players & it has been running for a while. If you close the game now, the winner will be drawn at random. The amounts shown below will be paid out to the winner & team.

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Payout Summary
Current Total:
Total fees:
Payout for Winner:
Payout for team:

Before closing this game ensure that you have shared the game with all of the team parents and on your teams’ social media for maximum exposure. Please note that paying out lower amount to winners could jeopardise future games, as players may show less interest. 

You can delete this game because it has no players.

This game cannot be closed because it has no players or its value is too low.

Game details explained

This page shows the live details of the selected game. On this page you can view which teams have been purchased & which teams are remaining.

You can also keep track of current totals to see how much has been raised so far & how much is left remaining before the game can be closed.

If you are struggling to complete a game, you may use the ‘Close Game‘ button to close the game early & the totals shown will be what is paid out to the winner & club respectively.

Payout explained

The payout figure that you see is the final amount that your team will receive into your designated club bank account.

Payouts to the game winner & team are automatically paid once a game finishes.

Winning amount explained

The winning amount that is shown is the full amount that the winner will receive once the game has finished. You can change this amount to a figure that best suits your fundraising goals.

The lower this rate is set will result in a higher payout for your team, but this may make the game less appealing to players if the winning amount seems low.

Fees explained

The fees are calculated from the total value of the game and are automatically deducted from the proceeds of the game.

Fess are applied to cover bank transaction fees & platform service charges.